Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Ability Network Officially Launches In Cowra

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Formerly known as Cowra Special Needs Services, Ability Network was officially launched on the 2nd June in front of clients, staff, community members and special guests at the Cowra Services Club.

As part of the relaunch, plans were unveiled for their new facility, Ability Farm.

The farm is set on 5 acres, minutes from the CBD and will be a space for clients of all ages and their carers to come and experience the facilities on offer.

Ability Farm is set to include vegetable gardens, farm animals, sporting facilities, an outdoor cafe, indoor spaces for day programs with a focus on creative endeavours and activities, a gym space and hopefully an indoor pool for hydrotherapy. Ability Network staff, clients and volunteers are collaborating to create a special space at Ability Farm with the focus on enabling people to be the best person they can be.

A Master Plan for Ability Farm is being prepared with dedicated activity areas and accessibility being key points to the building design.

Janis Redford, CEO of Ability Network said: “The organisation has delivered services to people with a disability and the elderly within the Cowra region for over 25 years. We are thrilled with our plans for Ability Farm which will provide us with many opportunities to deliver innovative activities. We are keen to work closely with key stakeholders and partners in the Cowra community as we plan the detail over coming months.”

Please stay in touch with Ability Network by following our online pages;
Website: www.abilitynetwork.com.au
Instagram: @abilitynetworkservices
Facebook pages: Ability Network Aged Care Services
Ability Network Disability Services
Ability Network Early Intervention and Therapy



Yellow House Cowra

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