Elders Emms Mooney – Above

What's On in Cowra

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

Whats on in Cowra

Until 5 – April Extended Cowra Library Opening Hours! The Cowra Library is Trialing Extended Library Hours. We urge the community to make use of these hours to help us identify the needs of our community. The new hours are 9:30am - 6:00pm weekdays and 9:30am - 4:30pm on Saturday. The trial will end on the 5th of April 2025.

Until 7 April – Breast Screen Mobile Van Cowra.
7:30am - 5:30pm. The BreastScreen NSW mobile screening van will be operating in Cowra on Tuesday 28th January to Monday 7th April, 2025. The van will be located at the Bryant Carpark, Edgell Rest Area, Lachlan Valley Way, Cowra. BreastScreen NSW is a FREE service for women over 40. 1 in 7 women in NSW will develop breast cancer during their lifetime. 9 out 10 women who develop breast cancer do not have a family history. A breast screen (or mammogram) can pick up breast cancers before they can be seen or felt. All BreastScreen NSW Radiographers are female. An appointment only takes 20 minutes every two years and could save your life. A doctor’s referral is not needed to screen at BreastScreen NSW. To make a booking call 13 20 50 or visit https://book.breastscreen.nsw.gov.au/

27 March – Perfectly Imperfect - Julee-anne Bell (The Voice) and Melissa Buchholz (piano) Club Cowra. 7am - 10pm. Tickets from $29. Julee-anne Bell starred on The Voice Australia in 2021 and her video with Guy Sebastian remains the highest viewed video in the history of the show. Together with Melissa Buchholz, pianist, Julee-anne presents a show filled with great songs and stories about life in general and also as a blind person. These two artists are inspirational in their outlook on life and as exquisite musicians.

29 March – Cowra Seikei 55th Anniversary Dinner.
Cowra Seikei 55th Anniversary Dinner. 6pm - 11pm.

29 Mar – Seen the Film
Cowra Civic Centre. 7pm - 9pm. Tickets from $35. Be part of an inspiring and thought-provoking evening as we screen SEEN: The Film, a powerful documentary exploring the long-term impact of childhood trauma and the journey of healing to create stronger, healthier families.
This special event includes:
• A screening of SEEN: The Film
• A live 45-minute Q&A panel with experts & parents featured in the film, and its creators, including:
Joe Williams – Parent in the film, former NRL player and Mental Health Advocate.
Lael Stone – Parenting Expert, Speaker, Educator and Author.
Sam Jockel – Founder and CEO of ParentTV, and producer of the film.
This is an opportunity to delve deeper into the stories behind the film and spark meaningful conversations about healing, parenting, and breaking cycles of trauma.

30 Mar – Cowra Motorcycle Racing Club - Club Day
8:30am - 3:30pm. Cowra Motorcycle Racing Dirt Track Club Day incorporating the Pauline Langfield Memorial Cup Sunday 30th March 2025 at Woodstock Park Speedway.
Full canteen facilities and spectators welcome.
Riders must enter via Ridernet – Entries close 27th March @ midnight.
For further enquiries please phone the Club Secretary on 0439 972 737

30 Mar – Learn to play Lawn Bowls.
Cowra Bowling Club. 9:15am. Looking for a fun, social, and relaxed way to spend your Sundays? Join us & have a chance to Learn to Play Bowls every week! Whether you’re a complete beginner or just want to refine your skills, the Cowra Eagles Bowlers will guide you through the game!
Where: Cowra Bowling & Recreation Club. When: Sunday Mornings at 9:15am
Cost: $10 per Adult per game, Children free
Dress: Casual Clothing. Footwear: Barefoot, Thongs or Flat Soled Shoes. All ages & skill levels welcome!
To register your interest, simply contact Sonia Morgan - 0425 228 505, Mim Shroder - 0417 062 679 or Bob Morgan - 0481 244 081

30 Mar – Cowra Families Into Sport Day.
The Cowra Sport and Recreation Committee are proud to host our second Families into Sport Day, set to take place on from 9:30am - 1:30pm on Sunday March 30 at Col Stinson Park. The day will be action-packed with activities in a “round robin” format giving families an opportunity to sample Netball, League Tackle & Tag, Soccer, Tennis, Rugby Union and AFL. And its not just for the kids! We also encourage parents, guardians and carers to be involved and enjoy a great day outdoors. Registration is free and all participants can enjoy


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