Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Chalk Art Hits Cowra Paths

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

Chalk Art Picture

Local Cowra residents who have hit the pavement for a stroll lately have been treated to a unique gift. Anonymous inspirational messages have been popping up on footpaths in the form of chalk art. The idea of sidewalk art isn’t a new one, but it has been recently introduced to Cowra with some crafty residents and community groups hopping on the bandwagon. They have been spotted near the POW camp and across town along the footpaths or brick work. The artistic creations have a beautiful meaning behind them as they spread awareness of mental health. Locals are jumping behind #chalkitupformentalhealth and have formed a new link the chain that stretches from Orange, Lithgow, Oberon, Blue mountains, Hawkesbury and even as far as Canada. The messages have been flowing with feel good quotes such as “You are going to be okay.” “You cannot pour from an empty cup” and “You will smile again.”

The beautiful pieces of art have lifted the spirits of many people as they walk by and spot the colourful inscriptions on the cement, showing yet again, just how incredible the human race can be when we are faced with times of uncertainty.

By Jamie-Lee Farley


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