Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Cheeky Nina Needing A New Home

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

CPRR temp

Looking for a new best friend? Cheeky Nina may be the perfect match for you! This beautiful cat with unique mark-ings is looking for her forever home. The affectionate and sweet natured cat enjoys human interaction and will stick by your side. At age one, Nina is still quite playful. She enjoys playing in tunnels and boxes. She likes wand toys as well, and she chases the ball and the laser. While you wash or brush your teeth, Nina will entertain you beneath the tap as she lays with the water. If Nina sounds like a good fit for your family contact the Cowra Pet Rescue and Rehoming organisation on their Facebook. This cat has been waiting for an entire year for her forever home and she absolutely deserves a loving family.


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