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Civic Centre Announces Further Upgrade Plans

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

IMAGE: Cowra Civic Centre Manager Jonathan Llewellyn officially launches the new operating model of the venue last Tuesday night.

Cowra Civic Centre Manager Jonathan Llewellyn has announced his intentions on bringing even further upgrades to the Cowra Civic Centre, while officially launching the new operating model of the venue last Tuesday night.

The launch was hosted before the live performance of “Stardust + The Mission”, with Mr Llewellyn addressing the audience of the show and invited guests.

He spoke about what the Civic Centre had already achieved over the last two years since it was first converted into a full time entertainment precinct with regular programming, but said there was more he hoped to achieve over the coming months and years.

“We will be applying for more funding for the facility, with the goal of installing retractable seating in the main auditorium, levelling the floor to one single level, and removing the existing ramps the run through the middle and relocating them to the edge,” he said.

The facility has already benefitted from government grants over the last two years, which has enabled it to screen regular cinema movies, live theatre performances and concerts, and stream live concerts on its cinema screen, despite COVID-19 restrictions causing interruptions. It will soon receive further upgrades, including retractable, staggered seating in its upstairs cinema room, and automatic doors for its bathrooms.

Mr Llewellyn highlighted the positive economic impacts the Civic Centre has had on Cowra over the last two years, including creating jobs at the venue itself, as well as attracting visitors to town.

“It has created many casual positions at the Civic Centre and that’s some-thing I’m extremely proud of,” he said. “It has brought ‘Arts Tourism’ to Cowra, boosting the local economy by bringing performers to town, as well as visitors, for shows.”

“We always use local wines at our bar, and staff always refer performers and guests to local motels, hospitality and retail venues.”

He said were many more exciting shows to come for the remainder of this year, including the Melbourne Interna-tional Comedy Festival Roadshow on Saturday June 26, featuring some of the comedians from the festival on a tour of Australia.

Tickets are expected to sell fast, so make sure you book them soon by going to https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/melbourne-international-comedy-festival-roadshow-2022-tickets-246866613687.

Yellow House Cowra

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