Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Comedy Festival Locked In

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

IMAGE: Comedians Bron Lewis, Jamal Abdul, Jenny Wynter, Lily Starr, Madeleine Stewart, Robyn Reynolds, Sam Kissajukian and Sean Choolburra are all headed to Cowra later this month for the Cowra Comedy Festival.

Cowra locals are in for a treat, with the free Cowra Comedy Festival locked in for November 25 to 26, with a raft of nationally recognised comedians descending on Cowra for the event.

The festival will feature eight comedy shows across three days, with each one being free for local residents, and just $10 for out-of-towners, thanks to funding from the NSW Government.

The event has been organised by the Cowra Civic Centre as part of its local entertainment calendar, and is expected to be a big coup for the town.

“This has been in the pipeline for a while but we are excited to announce the inaugural Cowra Comedy Festival - three days of amazing comedy across two venues with something for everybody,” said Cowra Civic Centre Manager Jonathan Lewellyn.

“Thanks to funding from the NSW Government, we are able to make it free for all residents of Cowra and just $10 for everyone else.”

Shows will be held at the Cowra Civic Centre and Cowra Bowling Club, with tickets for all events already available on the Cowra Civic Centre website.

The festival will kick off at the Civic Centre with Racist Immigrants, with comedians Delhi Buoy and Paul da Black performing twice – Thursday November 24 at 7:30pm and Friday November 25 at 6:30pm. An hour of unabashed comedy that will leave you crying with laughter and questioning everything you know about immigrants and cultures as it attempts to break all stereotypes.

The festival continues on Friday November 25 with the Funny Mummies Comedy Gala at the CBC, featuring comedians Jenny Wynter and Bron Lewis, with two sessions – 11am and 7pm. Gather a group of your favourite gal pals and celebrate a morning or night out your way: with quality gal time and laughs!

Sean Choolburra will then take the stage at the Cowra Civic Centre for one show at 8pm on Friday November 25 with his show, World By Storm. With the skills to back him, he established himself in the world of dance, became one of our First Nations’ leading comic geniuses, and could entertain a microphone stand if he had to. But he doesn’t have to. A comedian, rap singer, dancer & hip-hop didge player, this is the story of Sean Choolburra.

Comedian Loz Budden will deliver Who Let The Dyke Out for two shows at the Civic Centre on Friday November 25 at 9:30pm and Saturday November 26 at 6:30pm. Loz Budden never thought anything about those weird feelings she sometimes had around women. She grew up in the 80s as a tom boy, married, had two kids, and then?... Who Let the Dyke Out? is an hilarious and revealing show about growing up and growing up again.

The biggest show of the weekend, Are You Pulling My Leg, will deliver one show on Saturday November 26 at 8pm at the Civic Centre, with comedians Madeline Stewart, Robyn Reynolds, Lily Starr, Jamal Abdul and Sam Kissajukian entertaining the crowd. Showcasing some of Australia’s funniest comedians with disability or chronic illness, this accessible comedy event boasts an hilarious lineup of award-winning performers with entertaining and uncensored insights into disability and oh so much more!


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