Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Community Chest News

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Cowra Community Chest would like to reassure our community that we are still able to operate within the current COVID lockdown and within the COVID guide-lines. It’s sadly obvious that Cowra is affected, with closed shops and empty streets. We know that no community is absolutely safe, but let’s all do our best to keep Cowra as safe as we can.

The August Community Markets: were cancelled, even before the lockdown was announced. Again, it’s a shame that this has to happen and we do miss that happy event each month. Our motto, “Caring for Cowra” has taken on a wider application.

Steps to Assistance: it’s not necessary for our clients to be referred to us by health professionals. Anyone can ring or email us to book an appointment to meet with the Contact Person and complete the necessary paperwork. The client’s application is then sent to an Assessment Panel for approval. This process is completely confidential. No names are used on the application – simply a Case Num-ber. No Panel member knows the identity of the applicant.

The Chest is also working on a referral system through hospital Social Workers so that no initial interview is necessary. However, it is always necessary at some stage of the process for applicants to come to the office to sign paperwork.

Thank You To: the Men’s Shed for mak-ing us a strong, wooden case to house our new defibrillator, Hugh at Signs R Us for donating the labelling and Phill’s Paint and Blinds for donating paint for our newly modified trailer. This support is appre-ciated so much and makes us realise how important we are to the local community. This month we have assisted 2 new clients, bringing the number of assisted families to 294.

Contact Cowra Community Chest on 0428 462 837 or by email at ccchest7@gmail.com

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