Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Cowra Boosts Drought Resilience With New 26km Pipelin

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


For the first time, Cowra locals will have access to bore water during times of drought following the completion of a new 26-kilometre pipeline.

The pipeline, which runs from the Billimari bore fields to the Lachlan River Pump Station, is the final piece of infrastructure funded under the NSW Government’s $10 million Cowra Drought Security Project.

In 2023, the project delivered two new 60-metre-deep bores, a high-tech pump station and a 200 kilolitre (KL) storage reservoir.

The last 1.2 km of pipeline was put in place this week, signalling the end of the 3-year project which is designed to help boost the town’s climate resilience.

Cowra’s town water supply is sourced from the Lachlan River, but the severity of the last drought clearly demonstrated the town needs an alternative supply to lean on whenever the river ceases to flow, or if Wyangala Dam levels become too low.

The lew pipeline is a major piece of infrastructure that that took 100 truckloads to deliver to site. It will transfer water from the new bores via the pump station and then onto the Cowra Water Treatment Plant, where it will be treated and safely used for town water during dry periods only.

Outside of drought, the town will continue to rely on river water.

DCCEEW Executive Director Water Infrastructure Development Lisa Hingerty said:

“It’s so important that communities are prepared for extreme weather so it’s fantastic that the Billimari pipeline is in place. The new pipeline bringing bore water to town will be a critical lifeline for the community whenever river water supply becomes scarce.”

Mayor of Cowra Shire Council Paul Smith said:

“Completing this project has been a huge achievement and we couldn’t have done it without the support of the NSW Government.

“When the Wyangala dam reached significant lows in the past, our town almost ran out water, so having this level of funding to build new infrastructure that we can lean on when drought strikes is a huge relief for our community.”

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