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Cowra Bowling Club Introduces ‘OK2PLAY?’

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

IMAGE: Cowra Bowling Club Operations Manager Geoff Knight with General Manager Marc Eisenhauer with an ‘OK2PLAY? ’ poster.

The Cowra Bowling Club has furthered its commitment to responsible gambling by introducing the ‘OK2PLAY?’ initiative - a program that bridges the gap between patrons and club staff. The program was officially launched at the club last Wednesday, giving patrons an easy way of informing the club of mental health struggles around gambling.

‘OK2PLAY?’ has provide the club with materials such as posters, flyers, coasters and discs that have been placed strategically and discreetly around the club, particularly in the gaming room, with the materials featuring a QR code.

If a patron is concerned they have a gambling addiction, or are in need of any other mental health support, they can scan the QR code, which takes them to the ‘OK2PLAY?’ website where they complete a simple online form with their details.

Once the form is submitted the Duty Manager at the club will be notified by a notification that will be sent to a mobile phone that will be kept at the club. The Duty Manager will then respond in person if the patron is still at the club, or by return phone call if they have left the club.

Once the patron has been liaised with, the Duty Manager will then provide the appropriate support information to them, which may include information on self-exclusion from the club, Gambling Help Online, or Lifeline.

The Club or ‘OK2PLAY?’ does not provide counselling or mental health support themselves, but acts as a bridge to the right support for the patron’s needs. Cowra Bowling Club Manager Marc Eisenhauer said the club was offering a community lifeline by taking on ‘OK2PLAY?’.

“The Cowra Bowling Club takes social wellbeing very seriously, and this is a part of that, as well as a part of responsible gambling at the club,” he said.

‘OK2PLAY’ launched last year, with around 50 clubs across NSW, QLD and ACT having joined the program so far.

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