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Cowra Business Chamber Still Looking For A New President

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

IMAGE:Former CBC President Jordan Core with Steph Cooke MP. The CBC is on the hunt for a new President.
IMAGE:Former CBC President Jordan Core with Steph Cooke MP. The CBC is on the hunt for a new President.

The Cowra Business Chamber is still on the hunt for a new President, and is looking for someone enthusiastic to lead it during the recovery from COVID-19.

Former President Jordan Core stepped down from the position at the CBC AGM in August after serving in the position for four years.

The CBC is currently being led by Vice President Sylvia White, Secretary Grace Williams and Treasurer Nicky Savage.

Ms Williams said that with the current executive position holders, as well as the other 12 general committee members, there was already much experience at the Chamber, and this would make for a very simple transition for a new President.

“The President would not have to do all of the work by themselves, and they would be supported by the executive and the entire committee,” she said.

“The President would be called upon to ‘steer the ship’, but much of the workload would be spread across the rest of the committee.”

Ms Williams said the new President could be anyone with a desire to reinvigorate the local business community, and did not necessarily have to be a business owner or manager.

“We’re keen to find someone with fresh ideas, and someone to help make the Chamber the best it can be,” she said. “We need a community leader, and someone who is in it for the whole Cowra community, and not just themselves.”

Ms Williams said she was extremely impressed with the leadership shown by the current committee members so far, and said the Chamber was extremely well supported by the local business community, Cowra Shire Council and Business NSW Western Region, which she said would make things even easier for an incoming President.

A Special General Meeting will be held by the CBC once a candidate/s comes forward.

If you are interested in becoming a candidate for the role, or would like to find out more, please contact Ms Williams on secretary@cowrabusinesschamber.com.au


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