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Cowra Civic Centre Hosts Ukrainian Film Festival

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Cowra audiences will get a glimpse into the world of Ukraine this weekend through a selection of films from the 6th Annual Ukrainian Film Festival. The films explore the Ukraine, its people and their lives before the most recent conflict.

50% of every ticket sold to the films in the Festival will go to the Quilts for Ukrainians project run by Cowra volunteers who have made hundreds of quilts and blankets so far for Ukrainian children, mothers and elderly who have been displaced due to the horrific war in their homeland.

The themes of the three films include hopes and dreams, wins and loses, individual and national identify. The titles are drama feature film Olga, gripping documentary Home Games, and thriller Sniper: The White Raven.

Tickets are available now for the Ukrainian Film Festival and Cowra audiences are encouraged to support the Quilts for Ukrainian project by seeing one or more of these films. Visit cowraciviccentre.com.


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