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Cowra Commemorates Vietnam Veterans Day

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

IMAGE: Cowra sub-Branch President Mr Nathan Flanagan opens the service and introduces Padre Jodie McInness.

On Sunday 18th August a group of veterans, family and community members gathered at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at the Cenotaph to commemorate Vietnam Veterans Day. Special guests included Mr Nathan Flannery, President of Cowra RSL sub-Branch and Cr Ruth Fagan, Mayor of Cowra Shire Council.

Mr Flannery began the commemoration by introducing RSL Padre Jodie McInnes, who ran the service. She offered the Act of Remembrance then wreaths were laid by the Mayor, Cr Ruth Fagan on behalf of the Cowra community and then by ex-service personnel from the Armed Forces and from various arenas of conflict and peacekeeping.

After the playing of the Last Post, the Ode was recited by the secretary of the subbranch, Mr Kenneth Geogh. This was followed by the playing of Reveille. The service was concluded with the benediction offered by the Padre, and the singing of the national anthem.

The day was concluded with light refreshments in the subBranch rooms. Cowra RSL sub-Branch would like to thank all those who contributed to the service and to Cowra Council for their assistance.

Acr1662937349366401985111319IMAGE: Mr Kevin Graham and Mr Tom Humphries laid a wreath on behalf of Long Tan veterans.


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