Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Cowra Community Chest News

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


As I write this the rain is falling and the Lachlan River has burst its banks. Flood warnings are out for many parts of the state. The weather has turned from Spring back to Winter. There’s no doubt we live in a country of extremes!

November Community Markets will go ahead on November 20th at Sid Kallas Oval from 8am to 12 noon and we’re very excited about getting back into Market mode at last. Of course, current COVID regulations will apply and we ask that everyone be aware that they must be double vaccinated to attend. QR code registration is available at the gate, as well as manual recording. Masks are not mandatory in this outdoor venue, but are recommended. Entry is free, but a gold coin donation would be appreciated.

Assistance Needed: It takes a lot of volunteers to run the Markets and we are looking for extra helpers for the November Markets. We man the gate and run a BBQ, so if you feel able to give us a couple of hours, that would be a huge help. Phone Linda on 0421 248 056

The Annual General Meeting was a successful end to our financial year, with our Executive being returned to their positions. Linda Stroud is our Chairperson, Daphne Houghton is Vice Chair, Marguerite Walmsley is the Secretary and Robert Mackay continues as Treasurer.

Memberships Due: a reminder that memberships are now due, being $10 for adults and $5 for under 18’s. Payment can be made in person at the office in the Centre Arcade (open Thursday mornings) or by post to PO Box 208, Cowra.

300! Cowra Community Chest has assisted its 300th client! What a great achievement that is for a small, non-profit charity in a country town. And it is you, the people of Cowra, who have made that possible by supporting us without hesitation and with great generosity over the years. Thank you so much for playing your part in the assistance we offer.

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