Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Cowra Community Chest News

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


We are celebrating the opening up of our town and enjoying a little more freedom of movement. Along with other organisations and businesses, we are pleased to be open again and functioning with at least some measure of normality.

Community Markets, however, remain an issue as we try to balance risk with giving people the chance to browse and buy and be together in an outdoor setting. This month we felt the risk was still too great, but we do hope to have our regular Community Markets in November and December.

A Homeless Trailer: further to this, we have to move the storage location of our Market trailer as our present location will shortly be unavailable. We are putting a request out to our community for a storage space, preferably under cover. Access would need to be available at any time. If you know of any available space, please let us know on the contact number or email below.

Annual General Meeting time is here again and it really does not seem a whole year since the last one. Here are the details: Cowra Community Chest AGM Tuesday, November 9th at Cowra Bowling Club at 5pm To be followed by the General Meeting. All are welcome to attend. You might like to show your interest and support by coming along to learn more about the Chest. (Executive are chosen from the Management Committee, so don’t feel you are going to be asked to take on a job!) Of course, you must comply with COVID regulations for entry into the Club.

Annual Membership is also due. This is still $10 for adults and $5 for under 18’s. Please forward payment to P O Box 208, Cowra or drop into the office in the Centre Arcade on any Thursday morning. New Cases this month: 3
Total Cases: 299
Chest phone: 0428 462 837
Email: ccchest7@gmail.com

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