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Cowra Community Chest News

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Our Year: Cowra Community Chest had a very successful year and finished 2022 having contributed over $42,000 to the local community in assistance for medical costs.

This illustrates that many families do struggle to meet these costs, particularly with other costs of living rising so rapidly. We can make a difference, so please come and see us if you need help, or suggest us to others you may know who would benefit.

Community Markets: The monthly Community Markets have also been a great success for Cowra over the past 12 months. These will continue in 2023, except for January. In January both our Market organisers and stall holders like a break. Thank you for supporting the Markets. We know a lot of travellers also pop in to explore the stalls. Remember the Markets are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month after January at Sid Kallas Oval and commence at 8am, closing at 12 noon. If you would like to have a stall, contact Mel on 0473 346 046

Donations: As you know, our funds come solely from donations. Cowra community is very generous with local individuals and organisations all making contributions. There are Community Chest money boxes in various businesses, so please keep a lookout and if you have any small change, you may like to make a contribution. Our thanks to those businesses willing to put our collection boxes on their counters.

Volunteers Needed: There is always a need for an extra pair of hands. If you have an hour or two to help on our Market BBQ, hand out brochures or sell raffle tickets, please let us know.

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