Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Cowra Eisteddfod Fast Approaching

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


The 68th Annual Cowra Eisteddfod will commence on Saturday 7th May at 10am - with Junior Dance Groups. Intermediate and Senior Dance Groups will be held on Saturday 21st and Sun-day 22nd May - at the Cowra Civic Centre.

As there is limited seating available for these very popular sec-tions, seats will have to be pre-booked through the Civic Cen-tre, and are now on sale. Tickets are $7 each plus fees and are selling fast. Please purchase your tickets now.

Other changes for the eisteddfod this year will include the Speech and Drama sections being held at the Cowra Services Club - from 11th to 15th May. All tickets for the speech sections will be available at the door.

All other disciplines will be held at the Civic Centre - commenc-ing with Vocal Sections from 11th to 15th May - followed by the Instrumental sections commencing on 16th May.

Dancing sections will follow for the next eleven days, starting on Thursday 19th May at 10am with the School Dance Group Sections, which will include students from Kindergarten to Year 12 - and includes schools from Cowra, Young, Canowin-dra and Orange. This will be a great morning of entertainment, and tickets will be available at the door.

Dancing sections will continue until Sunday 29th when Cham-pionships and Scholarships will be held.

The eisteddfod committee would like to sincerely thank all the wonderful sponsors who continue to support the eisteddfod each year. Your support enables the committee to run a qual-ity eisteddfod that attract competitors each year. This support enables young people to gain valuable performance experi-ence, and detailed critique of their work.

The Eisteddfod committee needs the support of more volun-teers to run for the 3 weeks. If you are able to give a couple of hours day or evening to assist with serving in the canteen, or on the door, office, backstage - this would be greatly appreci-ated. Please ring Mandy Charnock 0401 593 079 - or email committee@cowraeisteddfod.com.au. for any more details.

It is easy to become involved. Eisteddfod programs are now being finalised and will be available in the next few days.

Yellow House Cowra

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