Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Cowra Parkrun Update


On Saturday Morning 34 people hit the ground running on the scenic Breakout cycleway and walking path. Representatives from two different clubs took part in the 5km stretch and the event saw 7 new records of personal best times. Among the various skill levels were 7 first timers including Karoline Terrell, the events run director on the day who tried her hand at the parkrun along with the other participants. While pace is encouraged to be at your own comfort level, the fastest time recorded on Saturday came in at speedy 19:09. With seasoned runners, joggers and walkers of all ages and levels taking to the course, it proved to be a fantastic, fun day for the everyone involved.

Since beginning in 2017, participants have completed 4,874 parkruns, covering 24,370 kilometers and 137 people have volunteered. A representative from the Cowra parkrun spoke about the work of the volunteers. “We are one hundred percent dependent on volunteers. The only way we run every week is due to the awesome support we have.”

For anyone interested in get-ting involved, the parkrun is free, held weekly and timed.

By Jamie-Lee Farley


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