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Cowra RSL Sub Branch Receives Community Grant

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

Some of the existing display cabinets, with the new cabinet on the far left.

As part of Cowra Shire Council’s Community Grants program, Cowra RSL sub-Branch was pleased to accept a grant which will enable them to develop a display cabinet in the sub-Branch rooms of memorabilia covering the Cowra Breakout.

The display will include items donated by members, the Cowra Historical Society and the public.

This display will be a welcome addition to the vast collection of memorabilia already on display in the sub-Branch rooms which covers Australian military history from the time of the Boar war.

When the display is complete early next year a small dedication ceremony will be held.

COWRA PHOENIX 08 Page 15112023 -PRINT-6IMAGE: President of the Cowra RSL sub-Branch, Lesley Marshall accepts the grant on behalf of the sub-Branch.

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