Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Cowra Sport Round-Up

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Cowra Junior Rugby Union - Registrations are now open for the 2022 season. Training is due to start in March. All players must be registered to train. Active Kids Vouchers can be used when registering. Head to their Facebook page for more information.

Cowra Senior Rugby Union - Training is kicking off for all Grades. Current and new players are encouraged to come along. Training is held every Tuesday and Thursday night until the season starts.

Cowra Junior Rugby League - Registrations are also open for players. Training begins this week for the Under 15’s and next week for Under 16’s. Registrations are open for all ages from under 6’s - 16’s. Active Kids Vouchers can be used.

Cowra Tennis Club - Head down and join in on some social Tennis every Sun-day 5.30pm-7.30pm. Night Competition starts this Wednesday 9th of Feb, registrations are open. Interested in Cardio tennis? Give the club a call for more in-formation.

Cowra Motorcycle Racing Club - Superstar Ben Graham will be at the track on Saturday 26th February for a Junior Coaching Day. Junior riders will have an opportunity to be coached by one of the best. To secure your spot text name and bike size to 0415480160.
Sunday 27th February will be a practice day for anyone interested in getting a few laps in. Gates open 8am and sign on is 9am, practice is 10am-3pm.

Cowra Parkrun - Last Saturday was a chilly one but it didn’t stop people lacing up their joggers. 30 people took the track to run, jog and walk the course with 8 newcomers. Anyone can get involved, it’s free, held every Saturday morning at 8am and is timed by volunteers.

Cowra Squash Club - Junior squash training has kicked off on Monday nights from 5.30pm-6.15pm & 6.15pm-7pm. To get involved contact the club via Facebook for more information.


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