Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Cowra Sport Roundup

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Cowra Senior Magpies - The season is set to kick off on April 9th with the Magpies lacing up the boots to take on the Lith-gow Workies right here on home turf at Sid Kallas Oval. By all reports the teams are geared up and ready to play.

Cowra Junior League - Training has started for the Under 11’s , 12’s, 14’s and 16’s. Registrations are still open and the club are encouraging any new players who are interested to get in and get their name down. Under 12’s and Under 16’s tackle are searching for players to join their teams. If you have a child who is interested, contact the CJRL Facebook page for more information and assistance.

Cowra Tennis - Don’t forget Social Tennis is on every Sunday, weather permitting, and is a fun, happy and friendly afternoon. 5.30pm-7.30pm.

Cowra Junior Soccer - Registrations are open and players in-terested in hitting the field this year need to get in and register to play. Coaches, referees and players are all encouraged to get involved.


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