Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Cowra Sport Roundup

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Cricket - This Saturday the 29th Grenfell will vs Morongala at Oliver Oval 1pm and Bowling Club will vs Valley’s at 1pm Twigg Oval.

Tennis - Getting the tennis bug from watching the Australian Open? Head on down to the courts on Sundays for some so-cial tennis from 5.30pm-7.30pm. $8 for members and $12 for non members. Kids under 16 are free but must be supervised by a parent/guardian.

Junior Rugby League - Registrations are open. Teams run from under 6’s through to 16’s for tackle and from under 11’s-16’s in girls League Tag. Parents can use the active kids vouchers. Registrations have to be done via playrugbyleague. com

PCYC - Don’t forget to check out the very popular OOSH Pro-gram. It’s a fantastic way to get kids out and about during the remainder of the school holidays. It’s not too late to utilise this fabulous service. Give the PCYC a call to book your child in.

Cowra Park Run - Last Saturday 17 people ran, jogged and walked the course including 5 newcomers. 2 participants re-corded a personal best. Don’t forget this is a free event for anyone to attend. Your walk, run or jog is timed for you by volunteers and it’s a great way to get up and moving on a Saturday morning, with a marvelous scenic view to top it off.

Golf - The scramble is back for this year with 2 events for golf enthusiasts. Sunday January 30th in Cowra and Saturday Feb-ruary 5th in Canowindra. $50 per person per event, with each event starting at 10am. To register go to www.thescramble.com.au.


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