Elders Emms Mooney – Above

CRSAG Black Tie Charity Ball

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


The Cowra Region Suicide Awareness Group Inc are hosting a Black Tie Charity event, to raise funds for Mental Health and Suicide Awareness within our Community and you’re invited!

Finally, after 12 months in the making and working through the challenges of COVID restrictions which played a part in postpon-ing this event, its full steam ahead now.

Special guests, Auctions and fantastic prizes to be won during the evening. Tickets include 3 courses and live music, with more exciting details to be released soon.

A time to get dressed up and have a fun night together.

Tickets are on sale. Together we can make a difference. Tickets available by scanning the above QR Code or by going to https://events.humanitix.com/inaugural-black-tie-event.

More details available on our Facebook page or by emailing cowraregionsuicideawarenessgroup@outlook.com.au


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