First Black Tie Ball Huge Success

The Cowra Region Suicide Awareness Group held its first ever black tie ball fundraiser last Saturday night, with the event being so successful it now plans to make it an annual one.
The ball was held at the Cowra Showground Pavilion, with around 150 people attending.
While the final fundraising figure is not yet calculated, funds were raised through ticket sales to the event, as well as donations from 30 local businesses, a live auction and a raffle.
There were many supporters of the event, including the Cowra Show Society, which donated the hire of the pavilion, as well as other local businesses that donated prizes for the raffle.
The auctions included paintings by artist Brad Blaze, who painted to songs as they played, and revealed his work at the end of the songs.
An auction was also held for Dylan Alcott memorabilia, including a framed jacket and backpack, signed by the legendary disabled tennis champion.
Renowned Australian speaker Mick Collis was a special guest on the night, delivering an inspiring and humorous speech.
CRSAG’s Annie Crasti said the night could not have gone better.
“It was great to finally have the event after delaying it for two years due to COVID-19,” she said.
“We’re so grateful for the generosity and kindness of everyone who attended, as well as all of our sponsors and supporters.
“We’re definitely now planning to make it an annual event.”
The Cowra Bowling Club was the major sponsor, covering the costs of Mr Collis and Mr Blaze’s time.
If you’re feeling down or having a tough time, please do not go it alone. Contact Lifeline on 131114, 24/7.
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