Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Free Self-Defence Workshops For Female Residents In Cowra

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


KYUP! Project and the Office for Regional Youth are offering ground breaking empowerment and self-defence work-shops for young women during the winter school holidays.

Taking place in Cowra, the workshop is part of a rollout across regional NSW thanks to the KYUP! and Office for Re-gional Youth partnership.

Designed to get females of all ages together for a fun but purposeful school holiday activity, the workshops teach basics in self-defence in an environment that will empower young women to believe in themselves. A fun, physical workshop, at the core of KYUP!’s programs is the need to ensure females know how to value and protect themselves.

KYUP! Founder and acclaimed campaigner for women’s rights, Mel Thomas, says of the workshops, “Knowing your self-worth and that you can fight to defend yourself if you need to, is fun, safe and incredibly empowering. KYUP! is violence prevention education that goes beyond awareness into strong-hearted action to support our children, and in particular our girls and young women to close the confidence gap and break the cycle of violence at a grassroots level.” Run by Mel Thomas, a champion black belt and domestic abuse survivor, KYUP! workshops give participants the tools and skills they need to value their safety and well-being, by boosting confidence, working with the women to raise their standards of what they will accept, and break the silence on domestic violence.”

The regional workshop in Cowra will run on Monday July 11 from 9am-11:30am. It is free and open to women aged between 12 and 24.

To register please visit www.kyupproject.com.au/holidayworkshops.

If you are experiencing family or domestic violence or sexual assault or know someone who is, please call 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or visit the 1800RESPECT website.


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