Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Important Cowra Water Update For Residents

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

One of the water tanks in Cowra, which is brilliantly decorated with a Wiradjuri themed artwor.

Cowra Shire Council wishes to advise consumers connected to the Cowra water supply that the fluoride dosing system at the Cowra water treatment plant has been non-operational since January 2023.

Council staff have, since that time, been working closely with NSW Health and the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEE Water) to get the system back online “however this has been a protracted process taking much longer than originally anticipated,” said Cowra Shire Council General Manager, Paul Devery.

“Council takes responsibility for this failure in service delivery, and we apologise that the information was not provided in a more timely manner to residents connected to the Cowra water supply,” said Mr. Devery.

“Recommissioning of the fluoride dosing unit is planned for May 2024 and the required regulatory approvals to operate the system will be obtained as soon as possible after this date,” he said.

“Lack of fluoride dosing is not a failure to meet the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG); water supplied from the Cowra plant continues to meet the health based and aesthetic targets specified in the ADWG.”

For information on maintaining good oral health, the community can visit the NSW Health site ‘Healthy Mouths Healthy Living’ https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/oralhealth/prevention/Pages/default.aspx For more information please contact Cowra Shire Council on 02 6340 2000.


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