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Italy Announced As Guest Nation For 2024 Festival Of International Understanding

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Festa Italiana! will be the call when the 59th Festival of International Understanding is held in Cowra in March 2024. Italy, the guest nation in 1969, will again be the selected country for the festival and from all reports, one of the most popular.

For Cowra Shire Mayor Bill West, next year’s festival promises to be another special event.

“Council is pleased to announce that the Italian Ambassador to Australia, Mr. Paolo Crudele, has accepted the honour of Italy being our guest nation for 2024,” Mayor West said.

“Our unique festival continues to go from strength to strength and bridge the gap between Australia and other nations,” he said.

“It plays a significant role in promoting understanding between nations and communities.”

Deputy Head of Mission Roberto Rizzo, said that Ambassador Crudele, saw the event as an “important social event” and that the Italian community shares an “enduring friendship with Cowra thanks to many compatriots who live in the region” and call the shire home.

“After 55 years we are delighted to come back,” said Mr. Rizzo on behalf of Ambassador Crudele.

“Together with your collaborators, we hope we will be able to showcase our country and it’s culture along with the beauties of Cowra,” said Mr. Rizzo.

“Having common values is the very foundation for our successful partnership and we look forward to collaborating with Cowra,” Mr. Rizzo said.

Originating in 1964 at a time when the town was coming to recognise the benefits of promoting understanding between nations, the Cowra Festival of International Understanding (originally the Festival of the Lachlan Valley) is a community-based event focusing on Cowra’s unique place as the home of reconciliation. Proudly hosting Australia’s World Peace Bell — this honour derived from Cowra’s first-hand experience of war with the POW Breakout as well as the Italian prisoners during the WWII period. The festival continues to be a major event in the Cowra Shire calendar and plays a significant role in building a sense of pride and identity in the community.


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