Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Lets Talk About... Nuclear Energy

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

0488 411 886CONTACT US:6:30PMFRIDAYNOV101 BRISBANE ST COWRAWhat the Research Tells UsCosts, Safety, Reliability, and ConsistencyCEOPage Research CentreSpecial Guest SpeakerDon’t miss this special event.

A community forum about the benefits of nuclear energy will be held at Club Cowra this Friday, 8th November.

Presented by Gerard Holland, CEO Page Reseacrh Centre and Greenethorpe local, the forum will cover the costs, safety, reliability and consistency of nuclear power.

All information is based on fundings from his research.

Event organiser, Lisa Besedic, said it would be a highly informative presentation that would break down the complex nature of nuclear energy.

“This event is for our whole community and I encourage everyone to attend.

Power will be one of the major policies in the upcoming Federal Election and it is imortant to understand the full impact and truth of all options being presented so we can all make a fully informed decision when the time comes to vote,” she said.

“With the ever increasing costs to living, energy is a major factor, and I felt it would be a good topic of A Cowra Community Information Forum conversation to discuss what Nuclear Power could bring to the table in our power options. Power is the linchpin of our society and is how we survive and thrive. Providing a balanced, research backed presentation on Nuclear Power, the costs, reliability, consistency and of course safety will be discussed.”

Mr Holland is a proven public speaker, having recently presented at a separate conference in Sydney with the likes of John Anderson, Tony Abbott, Jacinta Napijinpa Price, Sir Niall Ferguson, Ticky Fullerton, Judith Sloan, and Peter Costello.

“He is an engaging speaker with the ability to convey a clear message, making sense of what can be a complex topic,” Lisa said.


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