Letter To The Editor - More Information Sought For “Blitz” Historical Vehicle

To whom it may concern,
My name is Mitch Holland and I part own a 1942 Ford “Blitz” Truck that has a big connection to the Cowra area.
Back in May 2021, I wrote a letter to all known interested parties to seek further info and advise of some plans that we had for an impending trip in the truck.
As it turned out, I didn’t hear anything from anyone.
As we know Covid came along and killed off all those plans for 2021 and then again for the NSW based participants for the postponed event that ran in 2022.
However, I am still trying to gain any historical information and or photographs that might exist for the truck in its local service.
We assume from the Army records that it would of passed quickly from the Ford Motor Coy, to one of their Dealers, in this case, Cowra Motor Garage. Whether that was direct or via someone else?
We also don’t know when it went from Cowra Motor Garage to The Wyangala Dam Bush fire Brigade. I assume it would have been gifted?
(I did ring Cowra Motors around the time we acquired it in 1989, but they didn’t know offhand as they were newer owners of the business and I didn’t chase it up. The Captain of the Brigade, whom was the contact with the sale to us, was going to find out, but again I didn’t follow it up.)
Which is a shame, as the passage of 35 years, would see a lot of people with that knowledge pass.
Anyway, we have a new plan to take it to another event down in Corowa on the Murray River, driving it via Cowra, firstly to Wyangala Dam, Monday 11 March, overnighting somewhere and then through Cowra on the Tuesday.
I have also written to Russell Denning of the Cowra Antique Vehicle Club.
Mitch Holland
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