Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Letter To The Editor - Salvos Red Shield Appeal

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Winter is here. It’s tax time, and it’s that time of year when many of us seek to hit the reset button as the new financial year rolls around – a fresh start.

But for The Salvation Army and the thou-sands of people we support, it means something very different, particularly this year. We are extremely worried about those who are most vulnerable in our community, who are presenting to our services across the country, some for the first time. Not only is it the coldest time of year in many parts, but we are also facing one of the most severe economic challenges we have seen in years; the cost-of-living crisis and soaring utility bills are leaving everyday Aussies facing devastating and impossible choices.

With this in mind, we want to simply say thank you. Thank you to the Australian public, who has already given so generously to the Red Shield Appeal to make sure that families and individuals like those I have mentioned can access our services wherever they are in Australia. Thank you for thinking of others when it would be so easy to just think of yourselves. One of the greatest traits of Australians is that when the going gets tough, Aussies reach into their pockets and help someone in need. I love that about Australia.


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