Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Local Services & Community Mental Health Expo This Saturday

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


On Saturday, 9th April, The Cowra Region Suicide Awareness Group will host a Local Services and Mental Health Expo in conjunction with the start of the 100th Anniversary Celebrations of the Cowra Magpies and their first home game of the season.

The day will kick off with League Tag, followed by the Under 18’s and Reserve grade games while the Expo will also be operating and a special feature of the Golden Oldies Match at 2:30pm prior to the 1st Grade match.

The expo will run between 10am and 2pm at Sid Kallas Oval and an example of some of the services that will be there represented on the day are Headspace, PCYC, Weigelli, Lifeline, Standby and the Cowra Region Suicide Awareness Group Inc will also have a stall, where we will be handing out resource bags with some valuable information of services that are available.

The CRSAG hopes to reach out to many within the Cowra community and promote the mental health and community servic-es available locally in a friendly and invit-ing space.

The featured game of the Golden Oldies is between the Cowra Magpies and the Cowra Eagles.

The CRSAG is grateful to them for participating in this game as it raises awareness of mental health.

In the future, it plans to run this as an annual event at different venues within a variety of sporting codes.

It is grateful to Marc Mcleish, President of the Cowra Magpies, the players who will represent the Golden Oldies teams, the local service representatives who have agreed to participate at the expo and to Cowra Council for helping to bring awareness of mental health.

All are welcome to attend.

Yellow House Cowra

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