Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Michael Mccormack MP Christmas Message

Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Riverina Michael McCormack
Member for Riverina Michael McCormack

There is always a sense of hopeful anticipation at this time of year as we reflect on another busy year whizzing by and look forward to achieving our hopes and dreams in the New Year.

It is often difficult to step back during what is always a feverishly busy time as everyone tries to tie up loose ends before the Christmas break, but it is important to wind down and take some time to recharge.

Some will be more organised than others and will have already completed their Christmas shopping list but, if you’re still on the lookout for that perfect gift for loved ones, I urge and encourage you to think local, shop local and buy Australian-made whenever you can.

Whilst there are always challenges to face, regional Australians have the resilience know-how to get things done despite the potential of nature’s wrath – particularly drought, floods and bushfires – always lingering.

We must remember and thank our Veterans, who have served Australia faithfully and have given us this opportunity to celebrate Christmas in peace.

As I say every year, please take care if travelling on our regional roads over the holidays and, if you plan on using our beautiful waterways, please remember to be sun smart and water wise.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank those who give their time to support and serve others, often having to work instead of spending time with loved ones – our volunteers, health care workers, emergency service and Defence Force personnel, childcare, aged care and disability workers. I express my gratitude to those kind and compassionate people who spend time with the homeless and less fortunate.

Thank you for your communitymindedness and your selfless dedication to your communities.

Thank you to our farmers, who have been harvesting to ensure we have the best produce on our tables, not just on Christmas, but three times a day every day.

Please be aware that this time of the year is difficult for many in our community. It is important for us all to display compassion, understanding and, most of all, patience. We never can fully understand what another person is going through.

It is always important to remember the reason for the season – the birth of Jesus Christ. It is about spending time with family and friends – winding back and focusing on the things which really matter – extending kindness and gratitude to those you care about the most.

Catherine, my family, my staff and I wish everyone a happy, restful Christmas period and a productive and safe 2025.

Michael McCormack MP
**Federal Member for Riverina **


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