Elders Emms Mooney – Above

National Servicemen's Day In Cowra

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


On Sunday 11th February a small group of RSL sub-Branch members and National Servicemen gathered in Squire Park to commemorate National Servicemen’s Day. This day is set aside to remember those who were called up by the government of the day to serve their country. Wreaths were laid on behalf ot the Army, Navy and Air Force, and a wreath was laid on behalf of the people of Cowra by Deputy Mayor, Paul Smith.

On Monday 26th February, a contingent of personnel from HMAS Harmon visited Cowra as part of a trip around the Central West to commemorate Navy Week in 2024. The group visited Cowra High School and St Raphael’s School to talk with senior students about the role of the navy.

Later in the evening the group convened at River Park where “Beat to Quarters” and “Ceremonial Sunset” were witnessed by those who had gathered. These are traditional ceremonies which date back to the early days of sail.

Following the ceremonies, the Navy representatives mixed with the crowd and many photographs were taken with the personnel.



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