New Cowra Council Formed

The new Council of Cowra Shire was officially formed on Monday January 10, with each Councillor taking their oath or affirmation of office at the first Council meeting held that evening.
The new Council includes Cheryl Downing, Paul Smith, Peter Wright, Ruth Fagan, Erin Watt, Bill West, Nikki Kiss and Sharon D’Elboux.
Bill West was elected as the Mayor of Cowra Shire once again, and Judi Smith was returned as the Deputy Mayor.
The meeting concluded with the presentation of Local Government NSW Awards by Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke MP to former councillors Ray Walsh and Kevin Wright, councillors Ruth Fagan, Judi Smith and and to current Peter Wright, for their services to local government.
To make contact with any of the new Councillors visit
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