Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Protecting Assets From Feral Pig Impacts - Local Lands Services

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Feral pigs are a force of devastation, causing significant harm to the environment, livestock, and fencing alike. They prey on livestock and spread detrimental diseases to both animals and humans. As feed supply decreases, feral pigs begin to target water points and food sources.

Spring is an ideal time to think about control measures and get on top of the large populations that are currently spreading across the region.
Fortunately, as the weather warms up it becomes easier to target them on water points where they’re drinking and wallowing.

Use their behaviour to your advantage and look for feral pig signs leading to and around water. Empty a bucket of grain at a few locations to determine where they’ll be comfortable feeding, and subsequently the best site to lay baits or put up a trap.

For landholders with crops developing, acting now will reduce the impact feral pigs will inflict on your bottom line. Work with your neighbours or pest groups to coordinate a control program and protect your valuable assets.

For more information about feral pig management or call your local biosecurity officer on 1300 795 299.


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