Elders Emms Mooney – Above

RDA Keen For Cover

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

Cowra RDA Centre
Cowra RDA Centre

Cowra RDA Centre is extremely excited that a covered arena and toilet block are to be constructed at the RDA/Pony Club Grounds in West Cowra.

Having a new and modern toilet block is very important for the Centre as it is a provider of a therapeutic activity for disabled riders and an accessible toilet will be appreciated very much by all users.

A covered arena will be a boon for RDA participants, as organised sessions are conducted from March through till November.

With an arena that provides shade in the hot weather and cover during wet weather RDA volunteers and riders will be able to operate every Wednesday without cancellations.

Currently 90 participants are registered and are assisted by more than 40 volunteers.

More volunteers are always needed, so if you, or anyone you know, would like to become involved with an organisation that helps with children and/or horses, please contact Cowra RDA.

You will be made very welcome.

Thanks to Steph Cooke, Member for Cootamundra, for supporting the submission for the facilities and to Cowra Showground and Paceway rust for submitting the successful application.

These facilities will not only be available to Cowra RDA and Cowra Pony Club, but to the wider equestrian community as well. The arena will be a regulation-sized arena and will be able to be used for dressage competitions, training and other equestrian events that will put Cowra on the map.


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