Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Remembrance Day In Cowra

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


A Remembrance Day Service is to be held at the Cowra Cenotaph, Brisbane Street, Cowra, on Monday 11th November. The President and Members of the Cowra RSL sub-Branch invite Service Personnel, ex-Service Personnel and members of the public to attend.

All Service and ex-Service Personnel participants in the Parade are asked to assemble and form up in front of the Cenotaph no later than 10:45 a.m.

The service will commence at 11.00 am, led by the President of Cowra RSL subBranch, Mr Nathan Flanagan. A wreath laying ceremony will be included in the service.

Veterans are requested to wear full size medals and decorations (miniatures should not be worn).

A light morning tea for RSL members and guests will be held in the sub-Branch rooms after the service.


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