Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Shop Locally For Your Sports Presentations

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


End of year gifts, trophies and awards for team sports are a hot topic for many clubs celebrating late presentations for their 2021 seasons. But it begs the question, why are we turning to online stores when we have our own business right here in Cowra who are eager and ready to help? Gift giving among teams and coaches is a time old tradition and one that is increasing in momentum with each passing season. The Cowra sporting community has suffered many blows throughout the year as have local businesses, so why not try and merge the two and reward the amazing efforts of sporting teams all while spending money here in our very own backyard? Cowra boasts some fantastic and innovative small businesses who are more than happy to assist people with end of season gifts. We don’t need to funnel money through the internet when we can get personalised merchandise, calendars, stubby coolers, trophies, medals, engraved glasses, custom sign work, clothes, sportswear and gift certificates plus much more locally? Designers, small business owners and retail stores located in Cowra are capable of providing quality products and they need our support to kick local spending up a gear. If we work together and ‘support local’ we can do our part to build Cowra’s economic health and spread some love to the familiar businesses we have all grown to rely on.

By Jamie-Lee Farley


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