Elders Emms Mooney – Above


Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

local news

Reopening Roadmap Brought Forward As Vaccinations Soar

In response to the faster-than-expected rate of vaccination, the NSW Government has eased rules for those who are fully vaccinated by bringing forward many of the roadmap changes scheduled for 1 December to Monday, 8th November. From 8th November there will be no limit on visitors to a home, no rules for outdoor gatherings with fewer than 1,000 people, and indoor swimming pools will re-open for all purposes.

Businesses will be able to welcome in more fully vaccinated customers with all premises to move to 1 person per 2 sqm rule, and nightclubs will be able to re-open dancefloors.

The current settings for masks, which apply to everyone, will remain in place until the State reaches the 95 per cent double vaccination target, or 15 December, whichever happens first.

Visitor Restrictions Remain In Place At WNSWLHD Facilities

Western NSW Local Health District (WNSWLHD) Chief Executive Scott McLachlan has reminded communities that visitor restrictions remain in place across all of the District’s facilities.

To offer best protection to patients and healthcare staff, in facilities on ‘red alert’ facemasks need to be worn by both visitors and staff.

Cowra Youth Council Applications Now Open

The Cowra Youth Council (CYC) is a committee of young people who are a voice for the youth of Cowra and Surrounds. We’re looking for energetic young people who want to make a difference in the Cowra Shire community.

We love what we do and can’t wait to welcome some new members to the team for the coming year.

Youth Councillors are appointed to a 14 month term by Cowra Council and are required to attend monthly meetings.

If you’re aged between 12-24yrs and live or attend school in the Cowra Shire, you’re eligible to apply.

Apply online at https://bit.ly/3w5GK8S.

Yellow House Cowra

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