Elders Emms Mooney – Above


Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

local news

BreastScreen NSW Van Visits Cowra

The BreastScreen NSW mobile screening van will be operating in Cowra from Wednesday 18th January to Friday 3rd March 2023.

The van will be located at the Edgell Park rest area (opposite McDonald’s and Visitor Information Centre), Cowra NSW 2794. BreastScreen NSW encourages all women aged 50-74 to have a potentially life-saving mammogram every 2 years. 1 in 7 women will get breast cancer in their life time. 9 out 10 women do not have a family history. Encouragingly 98% will survive with early detection, and the best way to detect breast cancer is through having regular mammograms. An appointment only takes 20 minutes every two years. Mammograms with BreastScreen NSW are free. You do not need a Doctors referral. To make a booking call 13 20 50 or visit https://book.breastscreen.nsw.gov.au/

CWA News

South West Group December meet-ing and Christmas lunch will be held at Binalong on 12th December. Arrival is around 9.30am for 10.00 am start. Cost of lunch is $30. We would love to see as many branch members as possible. If you intend to attend contact number is Kirsten 0401 292 959.

$50,000 Flood Recovery Grants

Flood-affected small business owners and not-for-profits can now apply for $50,000 grants to help with immediate clean-up and recovery costs. Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke said small business owners and not-for-profits in the Bland, Coolamon, Cootamundra-Gundagai, Cowra, Hilltops, Junee, Narrandera, Temora and Weddin local government ar-eas are able to apply.

Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government Victor Dominello said the grants are administered by Service NSW as part of a range of support programs for disaster-impacted communities. The Disaster Recovery Small Business Grant – Storms & Floods August and September 2022 Onwards is in addition to the $75,000 Primary Producer Grant, $10,000 Rural Landholder Grant and a range of other assistance available to natural disaster declared council areas, jointly funded by the NSW and Commonwealth governments.

For more information, visit: www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-disaster-recovery-small-business-grant-storms-floods-august-september-2022-onwards.

Cowra Lions 2nd Year Tertiary Scholarship to now cover Teaching Degrees

President of Cowra Lions Club Graham Apthorpe has announced that Lions has increased its Scholarship fund to $5,000 to award up to five scholarships of $1,000 each for 2nd Year students to now include all school teaching degrees in addition to tertiary studies for Health, Science, Engineering and Agriculture courses. “Lions members are keen to support students in the selected fields and we look forward to receiving applications which will be assessed by a panel of two Lions and two independent members.”

Depending on the number of applications up to five scholarships will be provided with the condition that each applicant is a student having previously completed their studies at Cowra High or St Raphael’s Catholic School.

Applications close on 31 January 2023. Successful students will be advised no later than 28 February 2023.

The application form is available by contacting the Cowra Lions Club Secretary at cowralionsclub@gmail.com


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