Elders Emms Mooney – Above


Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

nsw cowra reds final-1

Regional Nsw Business Survey Now Open

Cowra Shire businesses are encouraged to complete the Regional NSW Business Survey to identify key priorities for supporting job creation and economic growth in our region from their point of view.

The results/feedback obtained from this survey will contribute in providing key trends and sentiments impacting the business community across our shire. The short 15-minute survey can be ac-cessed at https://survey.pwc.com/jfe/form/SV_0Sp1sJoMVATyP54

The survey will remain open until Thurs-day 30 June 2022. Take this opportunity to shape our future!

The survey is part of the 2022 Regional Economic Development Strategies (REDS) Update project, which is being undertaken by the Department of Regional NSW (DRNSW).

REDS are important strategic documents that help to inform and guide the economic development activity of councils and business. The strategies may also be used to support grant applica-tions to the NSW and Commonwealth Governments. Our current Regional Economic Development Strategy can be found at: https://www.cowracouncil.com.au/files/assets/public/business/economic-development/nsw_cowra_reds_final.pdf

NSW Government Lifts Wages And Recognises Health Workers

The NSW Government has today announced a new public sector wages policy to provide increased pay for public sector employees including nurses, teachers and paramedics.

Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke said the new two-year policy will provide among the highest public sector wages growth in the country with employees offered a 3.0 per cent remuneration increase per annum in 2022-23 and 2023-24, with a possible further 0.5 per cent on offer in 2023-24 for employees that make a substantial contribution to productivity-enhancing reforms.

“This provides for remuneration increas-es of up to 6.5 per cent over two years under the new policy,” Ms Cooke said. The policy will apply to new industrial agreements that are struck from 1 July 2022.

The NSW Government announced an additional one-off payment of $3,000 to be provided to employees in the NSW Health Service in recognition of their work on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The payment covers paramedics, mid-wives, cleaners and all other permanent staff employed by the NSW Health Service.

Central West Active Fest

The Central West Active Fest is coming to Cowra at the PCYC on June 15 from 4pm to 6pm.

The event is designed to bring fitness and laughter to participants.

The event is free and includes a range of activities such as laser tag, league tag, roll-a-ball, footy for fun, bubble soccer, other sports and activities, free entertainment and free refreshments.

For more information please visit www.sport.nsw.gov.au/activefest.

NSW Health Workforce To Receive Historic Boost

The NSW Government has announced a record 10,148 full-time equivalent staff will be recruited to hospitals and health services across the State over four years, in the nation’s largest-ever health workforce boost.

Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke said the $4.5 billion investment over four years made possible by the NSW Government’s 2022-23 Budget is intended to relieve pressure on existing staff and ensure there are appropriate levels of health staffing for its health infrastructure projects. “We acknowledge the tireless efforts of our local health heroes throughout the pandemic and are proud to make this record investment to give them the support they need,” Ms Cooke said.

“This $4.5 billion investment will boost the ranks of our health workforce, helping to give relief and support to our hardworking existing staff, provide the staffing profile for increased elective surgeries and ensure we continue to deliver quality health care closer to home.”

Boost For The NSW Ambulance Service

The NSW Government has announced a $1.76 billion boost to frontline emergency care to deliver 2,128 new recruits and 30 more ambulance stations as part of the NSW Government’s 2022-23 Budget. Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke said the record investment will ensure the community has access to a quality Ambulance service for years to come.

The $1.76 billion over four years will provide NSW with 1,857 extra paramedics, 210 ambulance support staff, 52 nurses and eight doctors.

In this Budget, the NSW Government will deliver 30 new stations.

Steph Cooke - australia day

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