Elders Emms Mooney – Above


Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

mouse plague

Zinc Phosphide rebate applications open

Applications are now open for the NSW Government’s Zinc Phosphide (ZnP) Rebate program.

Eligible primary producers can apply for a rebate of 50% for the purchase of the critical mouse control chemical zinc phosphide, up to $10,000, to provide financial and cash flow relief.

Approved applicants can claim for zinc phosphide bought between 1 January 2021 and 17 December 2021 to eradicate mice during the 2021 mouse plague.

Applications can be made online via the NSW Rural Assistance Authority (RAA) and are open until 17 December 2021. All invoices must be submitted to the RAA by 28 January 2022. For more information about the rebate guide-lines, eligibility criteria and details on how to apply, visit www.raa.nsw.gov.au.

What to do with mice damaged hay

Monitoring is key when identifying the impact of mice on hay bales. Bear in mind that PPE is essential when getting close to potentially contaminated bales. Implement good hygiene as well as the use of masks and gloves to reduce the risk of contracting an illness. Compromised bales also pose a hazard because they can collapse on machinery or personnel.

Inspect all bales. Where possible, open them up and examine from various positions or sections of the haystack or shed. An assessment of the damage can be made by identifying the number and depth of mice holes and the extensiveness of such things like, carcasses, urine or faeces (Figure 2 and 3). Take note of the smell of the hay as well, as this will impact palatability.

For low levels of damage, it may be possible to remove damaged sections, and destroy them separately. The level of damage can be vastly different depending on the bale type, weight and density. Crop type and the stage when haymaking occurred will significantly influence the likelihood of damage. Generally speaking, cereal hay is the most likely to be targeted. While other types like lucerne hay, are less desirable to mice. The existence of grain, though still immature, will lead to higher mice numbers, regardless of fodder type.

Cowra Retirement Village Pulls Out Of Harden

Following the release of the 2020 Aged Care Approval Round results on Friday 30th July 2021, the Cowra Retirement Village was unsuccessful in its application for capital funding to assist in the purchase of the former St Lawrence Aged Care Facility in Harden NSW. The Board of Directors and Management of the Cowra Retirement Village are extremely disappointed with this outcome and it is with regret that the Cowra Retirement Village has no option but to rescind the contract to purchase the facility from Southern Cross Care. CEO Scott Kable said he was disappointed with the outcome and wished the community well in recommissioning the facility in the future.

Woodstock Show Cancelled

The Woodstock Memorial Show Inc announced the cancellation of the 2021 annual Show scheduled for Sunday 5th September 2021.

The decision was a result of the degree of risk to the community posed by the current COVID situation. The matter was discussed at length by the members present at last week’s committee meeting.

The Woodstock Show committee said it had worked tirelessly in recent years to create an event that offers an authentic country experience and embraces country hospitality. It said it was very disappointed, and will endeavour to engage in an alternative format should that be possible.


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