Elders Emms Mooney – Above



Safety Rebate Doubles To Help Small Businesses Be Covid Safe

Small business owners and sole traders can now apply for a NSW Government rebate of up to $1,000 to make their workplaces safer with $1 million added to the Small Business Rebate Program. Minister for Fair Trading Eleni Petinos said the rebate has been doubled and the program expanded with a renewed focus on helping businesses ensure they are COVID safe.

Ms Petinos said the Small Business Rebate Program has been in opera-tion since 2012 with the rebate providing safety information and incentives for small businesses to improve and invest in safety outcomes.
Further information about the Small Business Rebate Program can be found at www.safework.nsw.gov.au/advice-and-resources/rebate-programs/small-business-rebates

Sport Clubs To Be Champions Of Mental Wellbeing

The NSW Government is calling on sporting organisations to step up and serve some ace ideas for delivering mental health and wellbeing activities as part of a $2.8 million Mental Health Sports program. Minister for Mental Health Bronnie Taylor said clubs can apply for grants of up to $150,000 from now until 6 March 2022 for activities that provide mental health, resilience and wellbeing benefits to individuals and groups across the State. All NSW-based sports bodies are encouraged to apply, with the aim of en-suring a spread of funding and projects across the State. Grants will be available to clubs supporting both general populations and the following priority populations:

  • Aboriginal people
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse people
  • LGBTIQ+ people
  • People with coexisting mental health, alcohol or other drug issues.

To start your application, please visit: https://bit.ly/34HgU1f

NSW Government Update To Covid-19 Settings

From the beginning of Friday, 18 Feb-ruary 2022, the following adjustments were made to the current settings:

  • No density limits (previously one per-son per 2sqm for hospitality venues);
  • QR check-ins will only be required for nightclubs, and for all music festivals with more than 1,000 people. Hospitals, aged and disability facilities may use their existing systems for recording visi-tors;
  • Singing and dancing will be permitted at all venues, except music festivals, where singing and dancing can recom-mence from 25 February;
  • The recommendation to work from home will change and be returned to the employer’s discretion.

From the beginning of Friday, 25 Febru-ary 2022, the following adjustments will be made to the settings:

  • Masks will only be mandated on pub-lic transport, planes, and indoors at airports, hospitals, aged and disability care facilities, corrections facilities and indoor music festivals with more than 1,000 people;
  • Masks are encouraged for indoor set-tings where you cannot maintain a safe distance from others and for customer facing retail staff to protect vulnerable people who must access these premises and services;
  • Each State Government agency will review where it may be appropriate for public-facing staff to wear masks and will implement as necessary; and
  • The 20,000 person cap on music festivals will be removed, with singing and dancing permitted. Vaccination requirements will remain for indoor music festivals over 1,000 people, with attendees required to have at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Erambie Community Family Fun Day

Creative Community Concepts will be hosting a family fun day on Wednesday 13th April at the Erambie Outreach Centre in Cowra.

It will be a free community event with an open invitation to members of the public of all ages.

Local service providers and organisations are being called on to have information tables set up on the day.

If your organisation is interested in appearing at the event please contact Creative Community Concepts Senior Project Officer Vickie Everingham on 0400766265 or vickie.everingham@creativecommunityconcepts. com.au

Stay NSW Vouchers To Go Live

A $50 accommodation voucher will be available in the Cowra LGA from March 3 as part of the NSW Government’s $250 million Stay NSW program. Stay NSW Vouchers are valid until 9 October, 2022, and can be used on any day. For more information visit https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/stay-nsw.


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