Elders Emms Mooney – Above


Written by: The Cowra Phoenix


Morongla Red Cross News

The Flower Show Entertainment and Afternoon Tea is on Saturday afternoon, 29th October, at 2pm at the Morongla Hall, not far from Cowra on the Boorowa Road. Come for a short drive and visit the hall to have an enjoyable afternoon. All are welcome. Entertainers will be playing piano, flute, saxophone and the harmonica.

Morongla CWA News

The Morongla CWA branch held the monthly and annual meetings at the Morongla Hall recently. Positions were filled. Thank you to Terri from Cowra Library for being our guest speaker. We all enjoyed your talk. Thank you for all of your information. The next meeting will be held on the 2nd November at 1.30pm at Morongla Hall.

Flood Relief Extended To Cowra LGA

Disaster assistance has been extended to the Cowra LGA for the severe flooding which began on 27 June.

The DRFA may include:

  • Help for eligible people whose homes or belongings have been damaged (eligibility criteria apply);
  • Support for local councils to help with the costs of cleaning up and restoring damaged essential public assets;
  • Concessional interest rate loans for small businesses, primary producers and non-profit organisations; and
  • Freight subsidies for primary producers.

For information relating to financial as-sistance, replacing lost documents, Recovery Centre locations and more, contact Service NSW on 13 77 88 or visit www.nsw.gov.au/floods.

To apply for a concessional interest rate loan, contact the NSW Rural Assistance Authority on 1800 678 593 or visit www.raa.nsw.gov.au.

Cowra Hospital Auxiliary News

Thank you to the wonderful work of Mary Gunderson, Sandy Hampton, Robyn Sing and Gaye McGregor for making their fundraising night for Cowra Hospital Auxiliary so successful.

We had a marvellous response from Cowra Business Houses and also Cowra Bowling Club for the venue and to every-one who bought tickets.

Your generosity is very much appreciated. Thank you for your support, and for helping the Auxiliary to donate vital medical equipment to Cowra Hospital. The Auxiliary supports all departments where equipment is most needed.

A big thank you to Angelo for giving his time to do beard trimming and hair cutting. Thank you to Trevor Davidson, Troy Jeffs and Laurie O’Brien. Thanks to Mary and Sandy for their ticket selling and Greg Nichols for being the competition announcer.

Thanks to everyone who made the night so successful and enjoyable with many laughs, great prizes, and many happy people with their goodies. Cowra Hospital Auxiliary send a big thank you to all involved in making all proceeds from the night go to our organisation.


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