Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Support Available In Lockdown

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

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As we are hurtled back into yet another lock down following the positive cases identified in Cowra, you may be forgiven for beginning to feel those lock down blues. Australia is not alone in this pandemic as millions of people across the continent are trying to navigate this virus, and at times failing to get a handle on it. The stay at home orders have driven people back to working from home, however for some in our community they have been chained to their home office for over a month, confined to their house without the social contact of their co-workers. Whether you are working from home or simply confined to the house like the rest of us it is easier now more than ever to forget to be mindful of our mental health. Increased cases of anxiety and depression are emerging in mass numbers during the pandemic but there are things you can do to combat the lock down funk.

According to BeyondBlue keeping your work space and home space separate is key by making time for designated breaks and set work hours. It is crucial to get enough sleep, include and maintain physical activity and keep connected with family and friends. A popular method of combining both is to simply go for a walk in the fresh air and have a chat with a friend on the phone while you walk.

It is vital to recognise changes in yourself and knowing when to reach out and talk to someone. If you are feeling overwhelmed and out of control then an appointment with your GP is a great first step to getting yourself back on track. You never have to go through it alone.

BeyondBlue has a designated forum for people to talk on during the pandemic and they also provide a 24/7 Coronavirus Mental Health Support Service for people on 1300 224 636. Life Line can also assist 131114.

By Jamie-Lee Farley

Cowra Bowling Club

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