Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Tell us what you think about a Civic Square in Cowra

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

IMAGES: Cowra Council’s impression of it’s Draft Civic Square Redevelopment. It’s inviting submissions on the proposal.

It’s been the subject of community discussion for over a decade, but in an exciting step forward the Draft Civic Square Redevelopment Plan 2021 is now on public exhibition and Council needs your feedback about the potential redevelopment of the space along Darling Street that connects the Art Gallery, Civic Centre, Library, Cowra Peace Bell, Council Administration Building and Customer Service Centre.

“Council has spent significant time engaging with key stakeholders to understand their requirements of the space and have used that valuable feedback to prepare the concepts that now appear in the Draft Plan for community consideration,” said Cowra Mayor, Bill West.

“It is envisaged that this area will be become an important public space. The draft plan presents a number of different ways the space can potentially be used and we look forward to hearing from residents what they think will and won’t work,” Cr West said.

Following the public exhibition, feedback on the Draft Plan will be reported back to Council before a budget is set for site surveying and engineering and a detailed costing exercise is undertaken. Further public consultation will follow before a final plan is approved and Council will then source grant funding for the re-development project.

“The goal is to transform this space into a more beautiful, functional, practical and purposeful area for the entire Cowra community. I urge Cowra residents to take a look at the Draft Plan and provide feedback via a submission to Council,” Cr West concluded.

The Draft Civic Square Redevelopment Plan 2021 may be viewed during normal business hours at Council’s Customer Service Centre, 116 Kendal Street, Cowra NSW 2794. A copy is also available at Council’s website, www.cowracouncil.com.au.

Submissions should be addressed to the General Manager, Cowra Shire Council, Private Bag 342, Cowra NSW 2794 or emailed to council@cowra.nsw.gov.au. All submissions must be lodged with Council by 4.00pm, Thursday 25 November 2021.



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