Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Vaccine Clinic A Huge Success As Sewage Tests Negative Again

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

IMAGE: 881 people were vaccinated against COVID-19 at the WNSWLHD and ADF co-ordinated vaccine clinic last week.
IMAGE: 881 people were vaccinated against COVID-19 at the WNSWLHD and ADF co-ordinated vaccine clinic last week.

Cowra has again responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, with just under 900 people rolling up their sleeves at last week’s vaccination clinic.

As the clinic took place, Cowra’s third sewage test result from August 30 returned a negative result, meaning there is minimal risk of COVID-19 being present in the Cowra Shire.

However the Western NSW Local Health District has urged residents not to be complacent, and this was evident at the vaccination clinic last Friday and Saturday, with 881 people getting jabbed.

The clinic was held at the Cowra Showground Pavilion, and was operated by the WNSWLHD in conjunction with the Australian Defence Force medical unit, with 425 people getting vaccinated on Friday, and 456 on Saturday.

The total number is equal to just over 10% of Cowra’s population of 16 year of age or older.

Around 9000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines have now been administered in the Cowra Shire, with data on the NSW Health website showing 30-39% of Cowra’s eligible population has been fully vaccinated, and 60-69% had been partially vaccinated, before the vaccine clinic.

These numbers are now expected to rise substantially over the next three weeks, with the vaccine clinic returning to administer second doses to people needing them on September 24 and 25.

Vaccinations at the vaccine clinic were an addition to the masses of vaccines admin-istered already by Cowra’s medical practices, with the Kendal Street Medical Centre relocating its vaccine clinic to the Cowra Civic Centre, such was its demand. Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke thanked all Cowra residents who have received a vaccination so far.

“Sending a huge shout out to every single person from Cowra and beyond who stepped forward for vaccination yesterday and today. The turnout was phenomenal,” she said on her Facebook page.

“Being part of these operations is humbling and watching our local nurses work side-by-side with the ADF medics was wonderful to observe. People were patient and appreciative of the care they were given.”

Vaccinations are continually available at Cowra’s medical practices and pharmacies.

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