Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Vaccine Clinic In Cowra This Week

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

coronavirus vaccine

The Western NSW Local Health District will be running a pop-up vaccination clinic at the Cowra Showground today and tomorrow (Wednesday & Thursday March 2-3) from 9:30am-4pm.

The clinics will have the capacity to offer all types of vaccines, including first, second and booster doses for 12 years and older, and paediatric doses for 5-11 year olds. The WNSWLHD said these clinics especially offered a great chance for Cowra residents to get their booster and paediat-ric vaccinations.

“We urge anyone who is eligible for their booster but hasn’t yet had one to come down to the Cowra clinic,” a WNSWLHD spokesperson said.

“Children’s vaccinations for kids aged 5-11 are also available at the pop-up clinic, so we encourage parents and carers to book an appointment for their kids as well.”

“Having a booster is incredibly important to continue protecting yourself against COVID-19, but also to protect your loved ones, the people around you and your entire community and particularly as we approach the colder months of the year.” Walk-in and pre-booked appointments are both available for the clinics.

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