Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Wyangala Dam Releases To Increase As Rain Event Looms

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

Wyangala Dam – Visit Cowra
Wyangala Dam

WaterNSW is continuing airspace operations at Wyangala Dam to maximise storage capacity to capture inflows anticipated from weekend rain forecasts by the Bureau of Meteorology.

The storage level currently sits above 95% of capacity and on current releases was projected to rise to 96% by 31 July, as a result of ongoing inflows generated by multiple rain events.

The Lachlan Airspace Reference Panel has recommended maintaining a minimum airspace target of 7.1% of capacity by maintaining the dam level at a maximum of 92.9% where possible. Accordingly, dam releases have been increased to 9 gigalitres per day (GL/day) and will likely be increased in coming days.

The dam releases are planned to coincide with downstream tributary flows to maintain flows at Cotton’s Weir in Forbes at minor flood level of 16 GL/d.

The flow targets are set in consultation with NSW State Emergency Service and the Lachlan Airspace Reference Panel, which will meet again this week to review the current situation and consider ongoing airspace targets.

WaterNSW advises landholders and other water users to monitor changing river heights and the need for precautions regarding livestock and infrastructure, and heed any future advice from the Bureau of Meteorology regarding potential flood impacts.

WaterNSW will continue to work with the Bureau of Meteorology to monitor the rain forecast and inflow projections. To access WaterNSW information on river heights and flow data visit their website.

Yellow House Cowra

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