Elders Emms Mooney – Above

Young Sportsperson Profile - Zoe Wilson

Written by: The Cowra Phoenix

Zoe Wilson
Zoe Wilson

5-year-old Zoe Wilson has one tiny foot on the netball court and one on the dance floor. With netball running through her veins Zoe has taken to the courts like a natural, something she shares closely with her mother Lauren. But her energy doesn’t stop at the netball court, it extends all the way to the Cowra Dance Factory, making this sweet natured young girl, one very active and happy 5-year-old.

Why do you like playing Netball?
It is fun.

What is the best thing about it?
Playing fun games.

Why did you choose Netball?
Because Mum plays it.

What would you tell your school friends if they were too nervous to give Netball a try?
Come and play with me!

What would your superpower be if you could have one?
I would be a unicorn.

Cowra Bowling Club

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